
May 10, 2008

EVP Video Recording 2


EVP Video Recording 1


Reverse Speech

Reverse Speech
The Theory of Reverse Speech and Speech Complementarity
Reverse Speech is a discovery, made by Australian Researcher David John Oates, of a new form of communication that has the ability to uncover a deeper truth and meaning behind what we are actually speaking.
As we speak consciously, the brain is generating messages arising from the unconscious. These messages occur constantly throughout language and can be heard very clearly at least every 10 to 15 seconds by simply playing a recording of normal speech in reverse.
(1) Human speech has two distinctive yet complementary functions and modes. The Overt mode is spoken forwards and is primarily under conscious control. The Covert mode is spoken backward and is not under conscious control. The backward mode of speech occurs simultaneously with the forward mode and is a reversal of the forward speech sounds.
(2) These two modes of speech, forward and backward, are dependent upon each other and form an integral part of human communication. One mode cannot be fully understood without the other mode. In the dynamics of interpersonal communication, both modes of speech combined communicate the total psyche of the person, conscious as well as unconscious.
(3) Covert speech develops before overt speech. Children speak backwards before they do forwards. Then, as forward speech commences, the two modes of speech gradually combine into one, forming an overall bi-level communication process.
The Reverse Audio Phenomenon R.A.P. is a form of Interdimensional Communications I.C.S..

The Ground Radio Approach

The Ground Radio Approach
The Ground Radio Approach to EVP Collection
There was proposed the use of a radio antenna placed underground as a signal source for EVP. In essence, this is a standard radio receiver using underground signals, rather than those that are propagated in the air.
For you Ham radio operators, underground antennas are also an excellent way to receive and transmit signals without the usual atmospheric interference. Signal sources that are grounded come through but those that are not, such as air to ground transmissions, are not detected by this antenna.
The member has provided excellent instructions. EVP experimenters with just a little experience working with soldering irons and simple electronic circuits should find this a doable experiment.
The concept behind using underground antennas for EVP concerns the nature of electromagnetic signal propagation. As the member explains in this document, the underground antenna picks up non-scalar electromagnetic radiation. As you may know, electromagnetic radiation has the three vectors of electric, magnetic and current.
We believe the third vector, current, applies to electric wire propagation. The third vector in wave-guide propagation may be better considered the direction of propagation. I believe non-scalar radiation is a reference to this third vector or the direction of propagation since it is not generally considered a sinusoidal wave.

Evp Recording Techniques

Evp Recording Techniques
Electronic voice phenomenon is the appearance of intelligible voices on recording tape, which have no known physical explanation. Certain equipment, which is easily obtained and need not be expensive, and a good deal of patience and persistence is necessary. It is not necessary to be a psychic superstar or gifted medium to communicate with unseen worlds.

Equipment Needed
Tape Recorder--Paranormal voices have been recorded on all types of tape recorders. Because of the vocal quality of the voice, however, it is advisable to use either an open reel or a cassette tape deck rather than a portable tape recorder with a built-in microphone. Tape recorders of this nature tend to be noisy and in most cases will overshadow the faint voices, which first begin to speak. Whatever type of tape recorder is chosen be sure it has a counter.

What Is ITC ?

Instrumental Tanscommunication (ITC) means that the messages coming from beyond will be received and/or stored by use of technical means.
ITC is the use of tape recorder, TVs, radios, computers, telephones, and other technical devices with the intent to get meaningful information from beyond in such forms as voices, images, and text.
EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) experimenting produced the first ITC contacts using a tape recorder and a simple microphone. Later on there occurred ITC contacts via telephone, computer, fax, special devices and so on.
The big advantage of ITC is the possibility to prove to others that something uncommon takes place. Not only the receiver of the messages, for example the medium, but also others could become a witness of these contacts. Almost everybody who is really interested in that phenomenon can get and with persistence will get EVP.
For thousands of years, mediums and shamans have been in contact with a type of communicator that we don't see and cannot touch. These types of communicators can't be perceived through our five senses. And the so-called "normal" people (who are not aware that they might have mediumistic capabilities) often say that they feel, that they are in contact with something/somebody in a way that other people can't understand or believe. Some people feel that they will be guided this way somehow. So, this way of communication is not new.
We define: TransCommunication takes place with partners we can't perceive by the use of our five senses. That is, partners inhabiting realms beyond our perception. This situation, to be unable to perceive through the five senses our partners in communication--causes many people to conclude that this type of communication is impossible. If they cannot perceive a communication partner, then they deny the existence of that communication partner.

What is EVP ?

Wikipedia. Says :
Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are sections of static noise on the radio or electronic recording media that are interpreted by paranormal investigators as voices speaking words usually attributed to ghosts or spirits.[1] Recording EVP has become a technique of those who attempt to contact the souls of dead loved ones or during ghost hunting activities. In addition to deceased spirits, various paranormal investigators say that EVP could be due to psychic echoes from the past, psychokinesis unconsciously produced by living people, and the thoughts of aliens.

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