The Ground Radio Approach
The Ground Radio Approach to EVP Collection
There was proposed the use of a radio antenna placed underground as a signal source for EVP. In essence, this is a standard radio receiver using underground signals, rather than those that are propagated in the air.
For you Ham radio operators, underground antennas are also an excellent way to receive and transmit signals without the usual atmospheric interference. Signal sources that are grounded come through but those that are not, such as air to ground transmissions, are not detected by this antenna.
The member has provided excellent instructions. EVP experimenters with just a little experience working with soldering irons and simple electronic circuits should find this a doable experiment.
The concept behind using underground antennas for EVP concerns the nature of electromagnetic signal propagation. As the member explains in this document, the underground antenna picks up non-scalar electromagnetic radiation. As you may know, electromagnetic radiation has the three vectors of electric, magnetic and current.
We believe the third vector, current, applies to electric wire propagation. The third vector in wave-guide propagation may be better considered the direction of propagation. I believe non-scalar radiation is a reference to this third vector or the direction of propagation since it is not generally considered a sinusoidal wave.
Nikolai Tesla described a form of energy that will propagate through a wire screen enclosure that is designed to stop all electromagnetic radiation found in the radio spectrum. It is possible that this energy is the non-hertzian third vector.
"Read Me First" for the Ground Radio Technique
* We hypothesize that the use of the Rogers subsurface antenna system in electronic voices reception experiments will result in the reception of electronic recorded voices from the spiritual realm of superior quality as compared to the aboveground Hertzian antenna configurations currently used. Voices researcher, Dr. Ernst Senkowski of Germany was told by a discarnate teacher by the name of 'Technician' that those in the spiritual realms do not use 'hertzian' waves as their primary form of communication. JH Rogers the principal inventor of the underground antenna system and Nikolai Tesla the scientist who laid the foundations for AM radio both agreed that the messages received by Rogers over the subsurface antenna system"… are not hertzian waves…" In conclusion, we hypothesize that the use of the Rogers subsurface/underground antenna system for spirit voices reception will result in the reception of superior quality voices because the subsurface antenna is primarily using the 'non-hertzian waves' referred to by the 'Technician' in conversation with Dr. Senkowski.
* We quote from March, 1919 Electrical Experimenter on the properties of the Rogers system: ' …If 50 units of power are passed into the aerial, than what becomes of the equal amount of energy which passes into the ground? He (inventor James Harris Rogers) became so obsessed with this conundrum, that he finally asked several prominent radio savants this question. What do you suppose this answer was?--'It is dissipated in the form of heat in the ground' ,they answered. This appears to still be the consensus of opinion today. The article goes on to say.'…but still, Rogers thought they were wrong, and now he has proved it'. We have used a 'subsurface coil' antenna and a 'ground rod' antenna to receive voice radio broadcasts on the amateur experimenter bands from distances of over two thousand kilometers away!. Inventor JH Rogers is right, and the 'savants' are wrong. We were using a subsurface coil receiver patent issued to the US Navy through inventor/officer Edward Thomas Jones [1,372,658] we were able to receive these non-Hertzian "Ground Waves" with no difficulty. The Jones patent is conceptually identical to the Rogers patents. Our experiments with this are in the file: "" Our experiments are preliminary proof that this concept of sub surface radio reception is viable and an empirically repeatable experimental phenomenon. Using the enclosed Letters Patent and simple techniques described, we would urge others to repeat these experiments in application to spirit voices receiving phenomenon.
* Could there be 'practical' applications of this old forgotten underground antenna receiving system? Could discoveries from research financed by interested business parties in this area be of benefit to its use in 'pure' or theoretical science- spirit voices recording research? To stimulate discussion, we will give some hypothesis and ideas in this direction:
* The 'long wave' radio bands below the 540-1600 kilohertz AM commercial broadcast band have been largely abandoned in modern times, because of the heavy Gaussian/atmospheric noise interfering with the signal. In March,1919 Electrical Experimenter, it was said:"…the beach station…was picking up Nauen on 12,600 meters, and New Orleans on 5,000 meters without any interference or static-all on the Rogers sub-aqueous aerials…" Would use of the 'Rogers' antenna system permit these longwave bands to be used for 'practical' transmission of information, since the 'Guassian' or atmospheric noise is absent, this being a "Ground Wave" transmission? Because of the relative lack of noise, could binary and image files be transmitted on the longwave bands reliably using a Rogers type subsurface antenna and the system devised by engineers working for the British Defense Evaluation and Research Agency and for Lancaster University in the UK? See reference article by By Tristan Chytroschek of the BBC News Service cited below.Could stations in these LW bands be used to relay information between nodes on the Internet for retransmission later through more conventional channels? For ease of reception, would a 'Ground Rod' antenna described in our experiments enable others to quickly and easily receive these transmissions? We say this because the traditional Hertzian 'long wave' receiving antenna is of considerable size which makes its use impractical in everyday ordinary situations . If, under any circumstances, commercial broadcasts were made on the long wave bands to transmit information,( business communications, or entertainment) could not a 'ground rod' antenna be accomplished by use of the 'third' of "ground terminal" in the AC mains plug of a suitably designed (ie: isolated circuit) radio receiver set? This receiver 'set' would not have a "loopstick" Hertzian antenna as is now conventionally used, but could possibly use a 'Ground Rod' antenna configuration through third (ground) terminal of the AC mains plug as described? This was actually done by the "Moon Satterlee Antennaless Radio" sold by noted X-Ray specialist Dr. F. L. Satterlee, M.D. in USA and Canada in the 1920's. The advertisement we have found on it says:"…'Moon Satterlee Antennaless' Radio will produce wonderful results simply connected to a water pipe. No antenna, loop, or indoor wire is necessary. Stations within a conservative 1000 mile radius are regularly received…extremely sensitive, unusually selective, yet simple to operate…" The Moon Radio Corporation producing this set had facilities in Long Island City, New York and Montreal, Quebec Canada. Although this was produced at the beginning of the last century, the aesthetic design of the radio-clear plate glass case-and artistic arrangement of the internal components would be regarded as 'avant- guarde' in design for modern home radio appliances-even today in the 21st century! Artistically, as well as technically this set is indeed a hundred years ahead of its time…A receiving antenna exactly physically identical to the design in the Jones military patent we reproduced in the zipfile "" was the 'Subantenna' Underground Radio System sold by the Cloverleaf Manufacturing Company of Chicago, Illinois in the same time frame of the twentieth century. Similarly, the advertisement says: "…loud, clean, clear distance, sweet and true in tone-almost like local. The marvelous new device illustrated above (the picture of the underground antenna in the advertisement is identical to our rendition of the Jones underground antenna in the zipfile makes this possible STATIC is no longer a nuisance…" Testimonials from the text of the advertisement: "User says: 'Static Is No More', User says: 'Greater Distance', User says: 'Gets More Stations', User says: 'Cuts Out Interference', User says: 'More Volume', 'Eliminates Lightening Risk'. An interesting footnote to history-the advertisement for the 'Subantenna' had the endorsement of KYW in the American Midwest, on 536 meters. This is on the bottom of what would today be the commercial AM broadcast band-approximately 550.9kilohertz.
* Before the introduction of the Internet, the only avenue open for direct interpersonal communication by those who did not want to use the telephone or telegraph lines was Amateur Radio. Today, with the advent of Internet- 'chat rooms' and Internet Telephony for those who do not wish to type, 'amateur' radio is dying for lack of license applicants. The Internet offers a cheaper and more reliable alternative-if you live within range of a phone line. See the abstracts from the Electrical Experimenter articles below-if '…static and interference have been practically totally eliminated…' and 'there was no rise and fall in signal strength during the night or day, at any time of the year, due to the sun's ionization effect, as is the case when elevated antennae are employed…' Would a Rogers Underground Antenna used in conjunction with the system devised by engineers working for the British Defense Evaluation and Research Agency as described enable the use of the HF amateur radio frequencies to transmit binary files, HTML text, and GIF or JPEG images intact over the amateur bands- thus making possible the integration of Amateur radio for use with the Internet? Could an individual in a remote jungle community on the Amazon river in Brazil use the HF amateur bands to log on to an Internet Service Provider in the nearest city or town, using the Rogers Underground Antenna system? Could two Amateur Radio operators use the Rogers Antenna System to communicate directly to each other over the Internet, bypassing the telephone land line system? If the Rogers Underground Antenna system would enable Amateur Radio to be used in connection with it, would this technology make Amateur Radio widely used and popular again-and perhaps save it as a viable hobby and communications alternative? Also, a step in the direction of human freedom-point to point Internet contact via 'underground radio' can make control of information through the land lines by hostile government bureaucrats that much more difficult. Anywhere, anyplace, anytime-at relatively low cost-could HF Amateur Radio be a viable alternative to expensive satellite microwave connections over the Internet for many 'third world' individuals- when used in conjunction with the Rogers Underground Antenna system?
* Could the techniques described above for Amateur Radio be adapted for use in the HF commercial 'business' communications bands on the RF spectrum using the Rogers system to make them more useful for modern transactions? Would research money put into these applications for business use help advance research in paranormal voice communications using subsurface antenna technology for spirit voices reception as an accidental or unintentional 'spin off' from such applied research?
Citations from Electrical Experimenter on Rogers Antenna:
Below 550k, the longwave bands and up to the then 'frontiers of radio--180m amateur band-is where Rogers seems to have done most of his work for the military. The experimenter/writer has an ARC-5 military aircraft receiver tunable from the 160-180khz experimenter band and below to our 550Khz commercial AM band, and it known from direct experience how much guassian/ambient/background noise the LF area has-this is why it is not desirable 'real estate' electromagnetically speaking, as the microwave spectrum is. It is said:
* "...During the war, Mr.. Rogers developed underground and sub-sea wireless for receiving at least-to a here before undreamed of state of perfection. His receiving station at Hyattsville never missed a word from French, English, Italian, as well as German high power stations. He received his messages from Europe when a thunderstorm, accompanied by terrific lightning, was going on directly above his head. Recently too, he has done away entirely with static..." Electrical Experimenter, Vol. VI, Whole#71,March 1919, No. 11. From: Editorial 'Underground Wireless'
* Furthermore, "there is no rise and fall in the signal strength during the night or day, at any time of the year, due to the sun's ionization effect, as is the case when elevated antennae are employed." Electrical Experimenter, March, 1919, Nr. 11, pp.833
* Mr.. Rogers himself takes the view, and is seconded by Tesla (my comment: the inventor of AM radio himself! Although Brazilian Padre Landell-and not the Canadian Fessenden- was the first to communicate using the human voice with AM radio, Tesla used radio waves some years before Padre Landell's voice communication- witnessed in the presence of the British ambassador- to remote control a model steamboat in the early eighteen nineties in Chicago , Illinois. This was at a scientific and commercial exposition there.) that the transoceanic messages he receives over his underground system are not Hertzian waves..." (Electrical Experimenter, March, 1919.Vol. VI, Whole Number 71,front/title page.)
* "...The Navy Department has just permitted information on the Rogers System(March,1919 Electrical Experimenter, pp788) to be given out, and how well they kept their secret during the world war, during which time the system has been in use by the Navy Department, may be judged by the fact that Radio men everywhere are amazed by the feat. The distinguished radio savant Prof. George W Pierce of Harvard University congratulated Mr.. Rogers heartily when he first tested and heard the new system work through salt water, which he at first thought absolutely impossible..." (Electrical Experimeter,/1919.,pp788.)
* "...he disagreed with all authorities who believed that the air, and not the earth and water, was best suited for wireless communication..."(Electrical Experimeter,/1919.,pp.88..)
* " many other great inventions, the exact mode of operation is hard to ascertain or define..." (Electrical Experimenter,/1919.,pp832.)
* "...Mr. Rogers stated that his underground antenna, in itself, did not solve entirely the static or interference problem, but it made the nearest approach to this ideal condition-the goal of all radio engineers-that had ever been accomplished before. This problem has, thanks to a new arrangement perfected by Commander A. Hoyt Taylor, D.Sc. ,been solved and static and interference have been practically totally eliminated from all year round radio service. [author's italics!] Think what an advance this means! Further, there is no rise or fall in the signal strength during the night or day, or any time of the year, due to the sun's ionization effect, as is the case when elevated [I.e. aboveground] antenna are employed. [author's italics!] (Electrical Experimeter, /1919.,pp833.)
* "...and finally tests were made on a short(250 feet in length) buried ground antenna, adapted to receiving wavelengths of 200 to 800 meters, Wireless telephone messages were picked up from Washington, a distance of about seven miles..." (Electrical Experimenter,/1919.,pp834.)
* "...Submarines have, on other official tests, picked up distant stations when submerged 21 feet, on a wavelength of 12,600 meters, or greater wave lengths..." (Electrical Experimenter,/1919.,pp834.)
* "...Tests were made by the naval experts, as well as by Mr.. Rogers in his very first experiments in transmission from a ground or under-water antenna. These were all successful. [authors italics] It is only a matter of properly insulating the antenna so that it will not break down under the high potential applied to it by the transmitter. The early tests by the inventor were made with a one inch spark coil to the Bureau of Standards radio laboratory a distance of seven miles, the received signals having an audibility of 2,000, I.e. , 2,000 times the strength of a clear, readable signal. [authors' italics]
* Other Rogers US Patents: [1,316,188 ] [ 1,303,730] 1,303,729] [1,349,104] [1,349,103] [1,322,622] [1,220,005] [958,829]
* A new development in binary digital processing/encoding to remove QRM from image files transmitted in H.F. Bands:
* "... By Tristan Chytroschek, BBC News Science, 6-20-99A new way to transmit pictures has been developed that could hugely cut the cost of sending information around the world. [snip]But radio waves that can carry sound and voice can also carry data. This has been exploited by engineers working for the British
* Defense Evaluation and Research Agency and for Lancaster University in the UK, who have developed a system that connects a digital camera to a radio transmitter. [snip]"We've come up with a special unique coding technique that actually gives enough protection to the data, so that when it's passed over this quite distortive medium, we
* can still get images out at the other end," said scientist Paul Arthur. They have successfully tested this system by sending pictures over a distance of 80 kilometres and the nature of short-wave radio means it is actually simpler to transmit signals over much longer distances. [Snip] ..."
How to Construct The Ground Radio Antenna
* Step A: Sharpened the end of a 3 foot( 1 meter) long 1/2 inch diameter (1.25cm) copper pipe by putting it in a bench vise and cutting the end at a 60 degree or so angle with a hacksaw. Soldered a copper pipe cap to the other end to protect the pipe when we pounded it into the ground. See: Pipe Construction:
1 = Half Inch Dia. Copper Pipe2 = Pipe Cap Soldered On3 = #14 Insulated House Wire, soldered to Pipe 1 Antenna4 = #14 Ground Wire Lead In
* Step B: About one and one half inches(4cm) from the cap at the top of the pipe, we wound three turns of skinned back #14AWG[AWG = average wire gauge or .0641 inches diameter, 1.63mm diameter .] insulated light (solid copper) house wiring, and soldered these turns with a propane blowtorch. Silver-tin solder is used throughout, not lead solder if possible. (Radio Shack 64-025)[96%Tin,4%Silver]
* Step C: we covered the joint with Krylon Acrylic plastic spray, to protect the dissimilar metals [silver, tin, copper] in the joint from corrosion from being buried underground. Then, we covered the joint with silicone aquarium cement.
* Step D: Pounded the pipe into the ground until the pipe cap was level with the ground.
1 = Copper Pipe Antenna2 = #14AWG Insulated Wire Lead In
* Step E: Using U-shaped plastic clips & screws to fasten the #14 wire, we ran the wire up my foundation around the outer wall, and to the inside of the condominium to a desk. .
1 = Cap on Top of Antenna2 = #14AWG Lead In Wire
* For best long term permanent experimental results, the Lead In Wire 2 must be as short as possible between the Ground Rod Antenna and the receiver being used. The cinder block basements of many homes are partially buried underground, being foundation stones. We would suggest the experimenter finding such a basement wall that is below ground level, and using a concrete drill to make a hole for the Ground Rod Antenna through this wall several inches above the corner where the basement wall meets the floor. Pound in the Ground Rod Antenna to this hole, and have as short a length of Lead In Wire-several inches if possible-to go to the antenna terminals of the short wave radio receivers discussed. Be sure to place the receiver being used and your recording equipment on a wood board or other insulation material to separate/ 'float' the equipment from the ground, especially if the basement has a dirt floor!
* Step F: This arrangement was intended for permanent installation. For temporary installation, being able to pull up and move the Ground Rod Antenna, refer to the illustration "Pipe Construction". If the experimenter desires to pull up this Ground Rod Antenna and hammer it into the ground in some other location, a plumbers T-joint fitting could be substituted for the Pipe Cap 2, and a 8 inch(20cm) long or so copper or brass pipe cross piece evenly centered and soldered into the ends of the "T" fitting, so the experimenter can grasp this cross piece and pull the Copper Pipe Ground Rod Antenna up for re use in other locations. The #14 copper insulated house wire soldered to the copper pipe Ground Antenna is solid and too stiff to permit its use in this situation [see #3 in illustration 'Pipe Construction'], a lighter stranded copper wire leading to the receiver such as #16[.0508 inches diameter/1.29mm diameter] or #18 AWG [.0403 inches diameter/1.02mm diameter] could be used. However, it is difficult or impossible to solder this lighter stranded wire to the copper pipe, as the propane torch flame will oxidize it before the solder melts. Solder a 2 inch or so (@5cm) projecting length of the heavier solid #14AWG wire to the copper pipe as given in the Pipe Construction step B, and splice/solder the lighter AWG #16 or 18 stranded wire to this. A possible design improvement for portable use: use a 3/16 inch[@3mm.] diameter brass welding rod a yard[@ 1 meter] long with a brass or copper centered pipe cross piece made as described above for the Copper Pipe Ground Rod Antenna. A sharpened welding rod may be easier to pull up out of the surface of the earth when experimenting in multiple locations. Will some physical locations for the Copper Pipe Ground Rod Antenna give a better result than other locations when experimenting with EVP or Spirit Voices reception? Will voices reception improve or degrade over the long term if the Copper Pipe Ground Antenna is left in a specific location, as compared to other locations? As mentioned above, be sure to use a dry wooden board or other insulating material (ie: plastic sheet) to place the SW receiver and your tape recorder and other equipment on to separate/'float' the equipment from earth ground when doing EVP experiments!
* Step G: Connected this #14AWG lead in wire to indoors to center terminal of a PL-259 Connector. (Radio Shack #278-188) The outer ground cover screw (normally connects to outer twisted copper braid ground cable) was left floating and is only used here for purposes of a mechanical connection to the transceiver antenna PL-259 Input/Output plug. The HTX100 ten meter Amateur transceiver is being used for monitoring or receiving purposes and is NOT being used to transmit a signal in this experiment. To prevent any accidents, the push to talk microphone is disconnected.
* Step H: Screwed this into a HTX100 10 meter[28 megahertz Amateur Radio Band] SSB transceiver (Radio Shack #19-1110,now sold as HTX10),so that the copper pipe "ground antenna" connects directly to the antenna coax input [centre terminal] of the HTX100 transceiver. The chassis ground for the PL-259 plug is left unconnected- 'floating'. Next, connected a 12 volt battery to power it. The 12Volt battery is 'floating' and is not grounded to earth-the negative terminal connects to the 'ground' on the chassis and the + terminal to the + input on the back of the cabinet. (typical mobile operation configuration) No counterpoise is used here. Leave the shortwave radio or transceiver 'ground terminal' alone and do NOT connect it to anything! Make sure no part of the chassis touches the earth or any metal ground leading to earth.Ground currents through the AC mains can destroy the transceiver or a shortwave receiver, so this experimental system MUST be run from a battery and the receiver 'ground' terminal left "floating" or unconnected to Earth ground! Any HF Band battery powered transceiver or shortwave receiver may be used as long as it is battery operated and the external antenna terminal in a shortwave receiver is NOT connected to an internal 'ferrite loopstick' antenna or external telescoping "whip "antenna usually mounted on the case. On the better 'high end' battery powered HF shortwave receivers, the internal ferrite loopstick is connected to the external 'Antenna' screw by a wire coming out of a hole in the case and connected to the 'Antenna' screw terminal by a spade lug. Loosening this 'Antenna' screw terminal and disconnecting the spade lug/wire lead will disconnect the internal ferrite loop antenna from the 'Antenna' terminal. Measure with an ohmmeter between any external steel 'whip' telescoping antenna mounted on the case of the SW radio and this 'Antenna' screw terminal. If this measures a short circuit, you must open the case of the shortwave radio and cut the wire from the whip antenna to the external 'Antenna' screw to completely disconnect it if removing the jumper as described does not do so. The 'antenna' terminal [usually on of two screws-Antenna and Ground terminals]-in the back of the case of the shortwave receiver must go DIRECTLY to the lead in wire of the "ground rod" antenna described above. Only the Ground Rod Antenna must connect to the 'Antenna' terminal screw at the back of the HF shortwave radio for this effect to work! We repeat-the chassis of the shortwave radio or transceiver must be 'floating' relative to Earth ground!
* We are able to receive amateur voice communications on the ten-meter band using this ground antenna. The clarity and quality of these signals is comparable to a conventional dipole antenna! We just were listening to an amateur operator on ten meter band from the State Of Louisiana in the southern USA on the Gulf of Mexico, our equipment being located close to the Canadian-USA border!
Crystal Radio
* Step I: Next, we connected a Radio Shack Crystal Radio Kit (Radio Shack#28-177) to the ground antenna. The antenna input of the crystal radio was connected directly to the PL259 connector inner lead 'Ground Antenna' Lead In Wire by using a 4 inch wire with alligator clips at each end. The crystal radio ground terminal was not connected and left floating. We were able to receive three local AM [550-1600KHZ) stations with perfect clarity using this! To be sure the 'ground antenna' effect observed was operating, we also connected the crystal radio to the ground terminal on the 110VAC wall plug, through a wall plug &cable handy. (green terminal is house mains ground, black& white terminals are AC and were taped up to prevent getting an electrical shock) We also obtained the same results! The 'Ground Rod' antenna constructed as described above seemed to give better results; though-signals received were somewhat louder. This #28-177 crystal radio is 'minimal'-an educational toy. The coil is ferrite iron core and the diameter of a common wood lead pencil. We recommend the use of an air core conductor of several inches in diameter with many turns as possible for the best results. This is based on correspondence received from a fellow EVP experimenter in Great Britain who is working with this. The writer has not had the opportunity to try this crystal set yet for EVP work using Sarah Estep's 'reverse tape' method-this series of observations is merely proof of principle/practice-that this old forgotten concept of "ground radio' is viable and works in the "real world"! We tried the same crystal radio with 50 feet of wire strung aboveground and conventionally grounded, and obtained the expected results. Both 'ground antenna' and conventional wire "Hertzian Antenna" gave us identical results-the same three AM stations were received. This is a 'proof of principle'-that the "copper pipe ground antenna" actually works. Don't use the Radio Shack crystal radio for EVP work, as it is of poor quality and construction for our purposes. AM broadcast band transmissions are not suitable for EVP recording work.
* Step J: Use this ground radio system to receive spirit voices using a digital /or cassette/reel to reel tape recorder in either the HF 160 to ten meter amateur voice bands, or the international ship to shore Marine phone bands. This technique may work on AM aircraft bands just below the two meter Amateur band EVP researcher Sarah Estep uses-but only to receive the control tower, which is earth grounded. It will NOT receive airplanes or broadcasts from mobile transmitting equipment that is ungrounded. This is because they are emitting pure 'Hertzian' radio waves, and what we are dealing with here is NOT a 'Hertzian wave', as the great Nikolai Tesla said in …"(Electrical Experimenter, March,1919,Vol.VI,Whole Number 71, No.11 Editorial: 'Underground Wireless' Hugo Gernsback, Editor. front page) We have done preliminary experiments up in this VHF area, and would strongly suggest that EVP experimenters confine ground radio antenna experiments to the HF bands below 28 megahertz. Professor Doctor Earnst Senkowski an EVP experimenter in Germany was told by a high spiritual teacher 'the Technician' that the Voices do not use "Hertzian waves" as their primary mode of electronic communication. Since this 'ground wave' is not a "Hertzian Wave", (conventional physics would say it is a 'ground wave'-but even they do not clearly understand it) could it be a more direct means of tapping on to the 'energies' responsible for spirit communications?
* Ship voice communications between the officers of international merchant marine vessels and shore stations have the limited business vocabulary and stilted characteristics or aircraft plane to tower communication-the limited vocabulary used in this work situation that make it easier to justify paranormal voices manifestation when the recording is reversed using either Cool Edit or a reel to reel tape machine. Ships are grounded to the earth by contact with the ocean/freshwater bodies through their hulls. We have found the listing of the international ship to shore marine bands from the FCC website on the internet:
* 76-90 khz 72-84 khz 86-90 khz110-112 khz 113-117 khz 117-126 khz129-130 khz 130-148 khz 435-495 khz503-526 khz 1606-1625 khz 1635-1800 khz1850-2000 khz 2000-2025 khz 2025-2045 khz2045-2065 khz 2065-2107 khz 2107-2160 khz2170-2173 khz 2190-2194 khz 2625-2650 khz4000-4063 khz 4063-4438 khz6.2-6.525 Mhz 8.1-8.19 Mhz 8.195-8.815 Mhz12.23-13.21 Mhz 16.3-17.4 Mhz 18.78-18.9 Mhz19.6-19.8 Mhz 22-22.8 Mhz 25-25.2 Mhz26.1-26.175 Mhz
* Amateur Radio Bands, voice: 1800-2000 khz3750-4000 khz 7150-7300 khz 14150-14350 khz, 18110-18168 khz 21200-21450 khz 24930-24990 khz, 28300-29700 khz
* A battery powered IC chip radio that can be used with the Ground Rod Antenna can be purchased from Ramsey Electronics of Rochester, NY. (Telephone: 716-924-4560.) Go to their 'Hobby Radio Site', click on "Amateur Radio Gear". Click on 'QRP-RX'. This is a site description of a 20,30,40,80 meter low power receiver-all these receivers run on a single 9V transistor radio battery! Since the 14megahertz, 20 meter Amateur band has propagation characteristics that make it available for use almost 24 hours a day, we would recommend the HR-20 Ramsey 20 meter Amateur Receiver. All receivers cover AM, Single Sideband, and code reception, the AM and Single Sideband being of use for EVP reception experiments. Cost of receiver with case: $44.00+shipping and handling. This receiver is in kit form, an Adobe PDF file describing it can be downloaded for free from the Ramsey Electronics website. We would encourage experimentation on the 30,40,and 80 meter bands as well with the Ground Rod Antenna. The time of day these bands are 'up' or 'down' varies with sunspot cycles, seasons and time of the year. For more information, go to the Amateur Radio Relay League website. The ARRL is the non profit organization that represents the interests of Amateur Radio Operators in the United States.
* An excellent low power 8 ohm 'pillow speaker' that can be attached to the HR-20 or the other receivers for microphone recording in EVP experimentation is the Radio Shack catalogue number# 33-206. Cost: $3.99. A picture of this and description can be seen at the Radio Shack web site given in this article.
* The bands highlighted in bold would probably be the easiest to use a crystal radio circuit attached to a copper pipe ground antenna described above , because the experimenter could use a large coil [in diameter and number of turns, if possible] and small tuning capacitor. This could be ideal for EVP experiments, because of the perfect clarity of the received signals. They are not that far away in frequency from the AM broadcast band.(550-1600khz) Most books concentrating on crystal sets describe equipment meant to operate in this area of the radio spectrum. If the known parameters for Hertzian aboveground radio hold true, these highlighted marine bands from 1606 to 2650 kilohertz and the 180 meter amateur band[1800-2000khz]would probably be best reception at sunset or night time. For 'reverse tape' method, it does not matter if several amateur-or ship to shore messages-run into each other on the radio loudspeaker or monitor headphones before recording-we are using the energy from the live human voices recorded to open the channel to EVP communication.Note: This could be done 'artificially' by asking several amateur operators to volunteer to talk all at once on the same frequency on the 180 meter amateur band[1800-2000khz], and using this " babble" to record for Spirit voices… Sonia Rinaldi of Brazil has experienced a great success with this procedure using audio recordings of several persons talking simultaneously recorded to CD for storage/archiving purposes; and listening to three minute or so excerpts from this CD recorded on cassette tape or digitally using Cool Edit sound editor. ( ) There are many books at local libraries that describe how to build a crystal set-only the number of [tapped ]turns on the coil would have to be slightly modified here.
How It Works
* This is only a preliminary statement of observed findings to empirically determine if these old experiments in ground antennas are viable. The objection might be made that the wire leading from the "ground rod antenna" to the receiver is in some manner serving as a conventional "Hertzian" wire antenna. Practically speaking, one way to minimize this effect-particularly in experiments using a portable receiver/ground rod antenna unit- is to keep the wire between the ground rod and the antenna terminal of the HF receiver as short as possible. Compare reception with a dummy 'control'- a length of wire at the stated frequency exactly as long as the wire between antenna and ground rod used in the experiments given above to determine effect of this wire as a possible 'Hertzian' antenna. The theoretical objection as given can be overcome if the experiment as described above is run in an underground room -completely beneath the surface of the earth. This has been successfully done, refer to the Appleby-Knoll US Patent #1,365,579 Figure 8. To order copy of this and other US Patents: See diagram from this Patent:
* From the Appleby-Knoll Patent 1,365,579:
FIG 8: E = Earth/Underground Room( ie: 'Shielded 'Room), R = Receiver, K = Tuner, B,C,B1,C1 =Ring Couplings A= Rotating Shaft, C = Loop Antenna, D=Base of Antenna/Desk
* "…Fig. 8 is a view, partly diagrammatic and [85] partly in perspective, illustrating radiating or absorption structure together with connections thereto and instrumentalities cooperating therewith, all shielded…"
* "…While in some of the figures connections from the buried or shielded structures are[70] shown as above the earth or outside of the shielding structure, it is to be understood that connections and instrumentalities may also be buried or shielded…. the receiving apparatus might be in the same chamber or cavity with the rotatible coil structures. ..the connections [80] therefrom and appurtenant apparatus may be separately shielded. Or may be disposed in a chamber or cavity in the earth or similarly shielded. Where the connections are above ground, or outside the shielding structures[85] as diagrammatically indicated in some of the figures such connections may themselves act somewhat as antenna, and so tend to produce undesired distortion or effects in the nature of uni-lateral effects[90]…"
* As a final hypothesis, we would recommend recording experiments in 'holy ground', such as areas around old churches and Native American or other ancient sacred spots using this "Ground Rod" antenna and reverse voice taping technique on the HF bands with Cool Edit. Energies that very well may be present in these 'sacred' sites will enhance EVP communications, if tapped into more directly through earth reception, as we have described here.
* We might caution that an underground room beneath the surface of the earth as described in the Knoll-Appleby Patent 1,365,579 may have subtle properties different for these EVP reception/Ground Radio Antenna experiments from a conventional electromagnetically and acoustically shielded chamber, such as that found in the Physics or Engineering laboratories in a University or other enterprise. We respectfully request that identical experiments be run in both environments-an underground subsurface room or cave/cavern, and an audiometric and RF shielded chamber as would be conventionally done.
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